Last week we were on a week long family reunion and boating trip to Sunset Beach, Treasure Island Fl, our boat broke down, out on Egmont Key, after being towed, I called all over, everyone said our starter was bad and it would run, 7 or 8 hundred, plus labor, if they could find one, and no one could fit us in.. I called Stellar and they said, bring it over, they tested the battery, then the starter to see what was up, they said, you have bad battery cables, they put new ones on, heat shrieked every thing, educated us on other things we needed to do to avoid future trouble, and I guess, taking pitty on us because of the 6 hrs stranded on an island with 6 kids under 7, and the 679.00 in tow fees, they said "no charge, go have some fun" I know they are three hours from home, but they could have screwed us for 1400 or more, and they didn't, so we will bring our boat back for all our repairs from now on.. Thanks again, you guys Rock.
— B. Ricketson